Match Point
Woody Allen once said that "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans". You think that you are on the right path to success, your carefully made decisions are there to make you financially secure and prosperous in the years to come. You're there: happily married, at the peak of your reasonably chosen career. And then your life choices place you in a cage. You resigned from certain life scenarios which possibly would make you far happier and you slowly come to realize it all. How not to lose your head in this sudden outburst of frustration?
There was once a man who pulled himself to higher classes, married into a high income - high life situation. And then met a woman who could make him happy. But what was the price of it all and was he able to keep his head? A love story with a Dostoyevski's kind of twist. Woody Allen at his best. Yep, sometimes we shouldn't make plans at all. Match Point.