

You can be offered the best salary in the world, the best possible conditions of life, you can be presented with the future no one would be able to grant you otherwise. You can be finally given love, family and a new life. Taken it all into account, why is it so that you never stop missing the place in which you were born? Why even the cheapest home food tastes twice better than the most expensive restaurant meal? Why you get so much used to the views and the landscapes of your home cities and towns that you miss them even harder when you are away? Why will even the most secure family situation never let you forget about your roots, your childhood, and your past? An amazing story of lost home, an inspiration for many, tragedy of countless and a thought-provoking adventure for us all: immigrants, emigrants, work commuters. And those who lost all and will never stop missing. Lion.


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On the nature of pictures

*Every Google image belongs to someone and this someone should be noted. However, if pictures are scenes from the film they most probably belong to owners of the film/producers. I use saved screens of the Google compilation of pictures, thus the pictures of pictures, which I take, cut and edit myself (as a derivative use). They are used for reviewing purposes (fair use), not for diminishing the films' profits by stealing what rightly belongs to them. Copyright is tricky, let's get used to it.