Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World


Technology fascinates us. It dominated every sphere of life, it turned upside down the way we conduct shopping, business and love affairs. It shrunk the world as nowadays, no matter where you live, you can be as close to the second hemisphere as sitting on the couch right next to someone else. Internet got rid of distance. It changed movies, newspapers, publishing. It made people willing to open up and find a way for living which years before would be impossible. That's the bright side. Have you thought about the darker side of the internet world? Are you possibly addicted to games, social network, and YouTube vlogs? Are you in pain because of constant exposure to technology? Has your life shattered due to the time you spend online rather than in real life? Can you be replaced by robots? How science, politics, and economy changed thanks to one important message? An in-depth documentary about the digital world. Is it really that great that we are all connected? 

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On the nature of pictures

*Every Google image belongs to someone and this someone should be noted. However, if pictures are scenes from the film they most probably belong to owners of the film/producers. I use saved screens of the Google compilation of pictures, thus the pictures of pictures, which I take, cut and edit myself (as a derivative use). They are used for reviewing purposes (fair use), not for diminishing the films' profits by stealing what rightly belongs to them. Copyright is tricky, let's get used to it.