The Other Woman
There is a small percentage of the happily married couples who knew each other all their lives, fell in love in their teens and lasted in fondness, fidelity, and bliss to their last days. They hit newspaper's headlines. They still arouse the admiration during their golden anniversaries and receive appreciative letters from the officials. The rest have to be happy with second or third chances (the fourths and fifths counts as well, sometimes the eights and ninths should be still taken into account). The majority of us try to construct our lives anew, after betrayals, deaths, accidents, infidelity, and unhappiness. How to start a relationship on the falling foundations of another relationship? How to build the happiness on someone's broken heart? How to deal with ex-partners, children from previous relationships? How to be happily in love after causing pain and how to deal with loss? There are no clear answers. The Other Woman.