Orc Wars/Dragonfyre
We all know that the film industry is unfair. There are thousands of stories pushed into post-production, delayed to eternity, postponed to a better day which may never occur. There are hundreds of scripts which pass unnoticed and millions of wanna-be actors who try their strength in countless hours of castings and rehearsals. Few of them destined to stardom. It all comes down to money, as the greatest action/science fiction films have budgets beyond the grasp of us - ordinary viewers. The powerful have control over millions of dollars. We - the weak - have only the power of choice - to watch or not to watch. And I remember myself fascinated beyond anything when they released the trailer of Lord of the Rings. My jaws fell down literally. The first glimpses of hideous Orcs, the beautiful faces of Elves and those hairy feet of Frodo and his companions. Ah, what warm memories! And those millions of dollars of preparation. A slightly smaller budget was collected to make this film. And if you want to be entertained, don't be a snob. Try making a better one. Utterly enjoyable and dense in action: Orc Wars. There's no accounting for tastes.