Death is still something we fear the most. The cause of it changed over the years. Spanish flu might have beaten you a century ago but now you're more likely to die in a plane crash, in a terrorist attack or accidentally choke on processed food at home. At the same time, a decomposing body is something we look at with fascination and disgust. We can see that the body gave up but we delude ourselves that it's not the final journey. We still desire our beloved family members to come back from the grave, especially if they left untimely. Even though we know that the process is irreversible. Or is it? An exciting retelling of Victor Frankenstein classic. Who is the monster, the creature or the maker? And can we really play God?
Have you ever wondered how big cities were created? What was the life in a great metropolis in previous centuries, how busy and crowded streets paved the way for what we see now and what we can visit on a tourist-like basis? How different were the people, their clothes, their language, their habits? Ponder on how rotten and corrupted human nature could flourish among dilapidated buildings and cobbled pavements. Think about morals in flea-infested bed mattresses. And as our civilization develops, wonder about the cities of the future. If New York was so different 150 years ago, how next centuries will shape this Mega-city for our progeny? A powerful and epic mythology of the most famous city in the world.
It often surprises me how superficial the idea of success is. You struggle, being poor, to buy the necessities of life, to pay for the basics of your maintenance. Then the luck turns upside down and you're wealthy, having won the blessing of a good job or starting your own business. The business flourishes until you're considered less attractive, until people are bored with your persona, until you're considered less up-to-date. And while you got used to a certain level of life, the luck might change again. Now you have to pay the bills for your restaurant meals, pay off your mortgage or sell everything you have to make ends meet. At times you end up in the street. Homeless. With higher education diploma, with past career and memories of prosperity, you find yourself alone without any shelter. And while we can observe the philosophy of downsizing, of choosing less instead of more, is the life devoid of home and family worth our pity or admiration?
Family. Tensions. Friendships. Jealousy. Support. Acceptance. Disillusionment. Our family situation is rarely simple and straightforward. There are siblings who used to hate each other and now they prove to be each others' greatest support in times of life trials. There are mothers who are too demanding for their daughters and there are daughters who push themselves too hard to prove that they're worth their mothers' love. Relationships come and go but your family members might prove your greatest support. While love, understanding, and acceptance are hard, the above showed by your family can be unconditional.
Do you pay attention to what mattress you sleep on? Do you read the ingredients of baby products which you use to take care of your children? Have you checked the content of your walls, wall paint, tiles on the floor? Are you aware what is inside the deodorant you press against your armpits every single day? To be honest, we shouldn't worry about it, since the majority of us are not chemists, scientists or the producers of goods. There are, however, standards which a lot of products available to us don't meet. Such products are responsible for cancer, infertility, autism and many other health hazards. This is a good eye-opener for a lot of us. And since standard requirements vary from one country to another, I doubt whether Europe has cleaned its deal way better than the USA.
One night stand. Happens to so many. In some cases, it ends up in an unwanted pregnancy. In others, the outcome is a tricky venereal disease. Sometimes it leads to a romance. Occasionally it's the trigger for a long-lasting relationship. In the majority of cases, it's something you quickly forget like a blackout party, boring birthday celebration or a drunk evening at home. In 1890 such one night stand could lead to a way different outcome, especially if it connected people from different social classes. Enjoy.
Abandoned places always boost our imagination. Shorter days make us come back home with fear or anxiety that there might be someone waiting for us behind this wall, behind this fence, behind this bridge. People were always afraid of the lack of sun. Equally, they feared things which were unknown and new, be it a different culture, custom, possibly a disease. In a house traumatized by fate, there was the family which might give you creeps. Fear is yet one more emotion.
The nightmare of spending a night in a cell can happen to any of us. You are a human being. You make mistakes. Law system was introduced for a reason. The nightmare of spending half of your life behind bars is rarely something we wish to experience. And the nightmare of being falsely accused, wrongly sentenced and unfairly placed in prison evokes feelings of hopelessness and anger. Imagine your life behind bars. Imagine how strong may be the certainty of being innocent and what such certainty might drive you to achieve. Stephen King's classic at its best. Enjoy.
There were times when there was no technology, no machines, no houses, no luxury. People used to sleep in caves, they ate what they picked and hunted, they weren't attached to each other as losing one mate in an accident, a wild beast attack or due to disease was common. Children were resourceful and could fight for themselves. Roles between men and women were divided. Yet, this film shows how similar we had been centuries and centuries before, driven by the same instincts and emotions. And finally, it's a great opportunity to laugh at a pristine detective story with creme de la creme of the French acting team.
You don't choose your family. You don't have any influence over your family history, your family members' character, their decisions or views. You tolerate each other for years, you vividly remember your past mistakes, the awkward periods of adolescence, you circulate: bumping daily at each other as if checking whether you are still the same people. You are attached like primary school children, always having each other in mind, and holding nothing but good wishes, old grudges or warm feelings. This is one such complicated family in which love mixes with hatred, responsibility with a wish to escape and start anew, and a bond only those few living withing the walls of one house can truly understand.
Motherhood is a hard job. You constantly worry about your child's health, balancing between life and death, stumbling upon every table corner, electric socket and abandoned pin. Due to the lack of experience, you fear your every move, deciding whether you're bringing up a human being in a right way. There are thousands of mothers who were helpless, despite the efforts they put into bringing up their progeny. Is it their fault? Can we really be responsible for the actions of our children? What do the mothers of well-known murderers and assassins feel? Does the society teach us important lesson that bringing up is not limited to food, sport, and school education? While there are parents incapable of raising a child, there are children who are resistant to any form of guidance.
People do have low self-esteem. Nowadays, when the western world suffers more from the surplus of food rather than its inadequate amount, people are bullied for being too fat. While fashion shows, lingerie, and chain brands campaigns are promoted by super attractive people, people fall into the madness of plastic surgery and enhancing their appearance. Poor look up to the rich, rich look up to the richer ones, creating a vicious circle of never having enough. Being gay is not only hard since teenage bullying is omnipresent at schools, but even though you look gay, and possibly are gay, you don't want to sound gay. However silly the problem might seem, it opened my eyes to many little problems which make people uncomfortable. The timbre of your voice is just one of these problems. Enjoy.
Sexuality cannot be ignored. A lot of problems with institutions, governments and schools could be solved, or at least attempted at being solved, if we didn't ignore people's basic need. Touch, sexual fulfillment, sexual fantasies are inseparably connected to our love life. The business of sex toys, pornographic materials, and erotic films is flourishing. We circulate between love, drive, attractiveness, fondness, and desire. Sometimes we need to let us forget that we are machines raised by civilization and, apart from the mind, there's also the body which needs to be caressed. This time Asia. Having in mind Japanese love hotels, there are areas where the civilization of computers and digital equipment still loses the battle with the human need for one good act of sexual intercourse. A dive between passion and politics, a clash between weaknesses of heart, and duties. Lust. Caution.
Everybody now gets divorced. Be it the incompatibility of characters, cheating, irreconcilable differences, or the fact that love disappeared somewhere on the way. We stop caring about the other person or simply the idea of a stable marriage is not appealing to us at all. Maybe it's really something from the past, an outdated concept, having to do more with finances than mutual fondness. But we all know happy stories of happy couples who stayed with each other for over 30 years. Possibly we are set towards such a happy story, slowly building the relationship from scratch, this time hoping for a positive outcome. But what life spent next to each other really means? Is it all blissful happiness or is it a demanding journey keeping you in a love cage? Is it work beyond our efforts?
This is one of the first films about love between girls. It's still amazing that such relations were persecuted, illegal and that in some countries you can get in jail for same-sex relations. In some, you can be even killed. To keep at bay political and global problems, let's focus on an individual. Sexuality might be the result of a lot of factors. But the process of falling in love is a complex and layered experience, especially if you have just started dating, flirting and appreciating yourself as a sexual being. A Swedish love story that some time ago broke some taboos.
There was once a classic which showed the unquestioned handsomeness of Brad Pitt. On a more serious note, while we are still somehow attracted to the lives of rich and beautiful, we are intrigued by their romances and adventures, we also seek the second bottom. Is there anything we can call fate? Is there a higher plan for us, a bigger purpose? Do we have a guardian angel? Have you ever encountered people who turned your life upside down or made you look at things differently? Maybe you were such a person for someone else? A film with a twist, still good humor and a sense that there is something beyond our earthly day-to-day. And weren't we all in love with the childlike innocence of Brad Pitt and his unsurpassed charm? On a serious note though, weren't we?
It seems that hair color is such a trivial thing when it comes to valuing a person. It shouldn't be an obstacle in meeting people and falling in love. Yet, it is. One man tried to find out why for him dating seems to be impossible, why women are prejudiced against ginger hair and why maintaining your self-esteem on a high level might be hard. Reminding ourselves Harry Potter series, wasn't that the case that almost all Weasley boys ended up with a girlfriend? Isn't there light at the end of the tunnel? And me being an owner of almost all hair colors due to university dying experiments, is the color of your hair really a defining factor in the creation of you as a human?
There is a time in your life when you feel trapped. Stranded in your way among your family members, workmates, partners. Sometimes you lose yourself in the pursuit of making other people happy and you forget what makes you happy.
Some people need to be alone for a day. Others desire a year-long journey around the world. Yet others chose the life of isolation in academic pursuits, their hobbies, and passions, or, extremely, they bury themselves in a jungle, cave or another shelter difficult to specify. Sometimes you're just tired and you need to find yourself over again. For those craving an adventure. For those tired of the annoying nature of your loved ones. The Kings of Summer. It's never too late to set yourself free.
I was once under the impression that adult people are wise, experienced and trustworthy. Then I grew up and I realized that age doesn't make a great difference. Your body grows old, your physical and mental functions are limited, there's less ahead of you and more memories you're willing to share with others. If you surround yourself with young people, your mental state stays young. With a twist, the life of an aging composer was placed in a resort proving that age doesn't really matter. You can be infantile as an adult, mature as a kid, develop a distance to your fate, or get stuck in one memorable/traumatic phase of life and never fully get it over. Allowing the passing of time, do you count every wrinkle and every graying hair? What makes you old: life experiences or the number of candles on the cake? And considering your mistakes can you really change, rehabilitate and improve or do you stay the same for years and years?
We are fascinated with the idea of Robinson Crusoe virgin exploration of the unspoiled paradise. We make use of our inventor's instincts, survival skills and knowledge which we have accumulated for centuries. Since we cannot really discover any new lands as the era of Great Explorers has been over for centuries, we look beyond our ability of eyesight and comprehension. And since the exploration of the Earth and the Moon can be already included in the human achievement list, it's time for more distant places. A thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining mission of one man and one lonely planet. The Martian.
Do you recall the time when with a conscious and critical eye of an adult you looked at your parents' relationship and saw the flaws and faults of people who you previously admired? You realized that half of the jobs there you'd hate deeply in your heart and the other half you are not capable of performing. The world seemed to be full of doors, either impossible to be opened, or you all of a sudden weren't the right size to fit them. At the same time you wanted to find the purpose of your life, luckily fall in love and trace the path you should follow as an adult. And looking back, I'm not really under the impression that the longer we live the easier it gets: life is more complicated, people still hurt us, parents still disappoint us, our professional life is tricky. In time, however, we gain the confidence of being ourselves and living the life we always wanted to live. We submit ourselves to a variety of stimuli and we learn what at the end of the day is best for us. The Art of Getting By is an art in every age. It never gets boring.
The idea of never-ending love makes people fall in love with high expectations. Listening to stories about marriages that lasted over 50 years makes us look with hope for our second-half. It all seems worth at the end of the day. And when lovers are lovers with the world in the background, when they clearly remember historical and political events and when they live their passion to the fullest, we tend to believe in the romantic idea of love. And who is a better lover than a creature who, apart from sensuality, desire and physical fulfillment, can last in this state for centuries?
The news of extraordinary events hit the front pages of newspapers every day. In an ideal world, you fall in love with your childhood best friend, of similar age, interest, friends, and family. In a less ideal world you fall in love unexpectedly, either when you miss something from life, or when your life seems to be ordered and stagnant and then it's turned upside down by a lightning coming out of the blue. As a society, we try to impose rules of what is moral and considered a crime. We draw the line between right and wrong, adult and child, fidelity and infidelity. We condemn others until we find ourselves in a situation which others seem to condemn. This time a romance between a teacher and a student. What lines, if any, can you cross when you fall in love?
The longer we live and the more we know about the world, the less we are constrained by social norms and taboos. If you had read One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez, you definitely recall the badge of incest that went along the protagonist family's history. Moving a hundred years forward, should we be condemned for having feelings for siblings? What happens if you see a developing body of your brother or sister? Is it resentful or, quite the reverse, attractive? Should you feel sinful if you have erotic dreams including your family members? Should you acknowledge or ignore your family's sexuality? And if you're related, can you lawfully fall in love? Genes, past, mutual parents. Sometimes the closest to your heart are those who are biologically alike and who can feel what you feel in an unexplained, brother/sister-like manner. I love this kind of films, even though in reality the society's judgment might be a little bit more radical.
Do you remember when you were little and your mother/father/guardian read you fairy tales to soothe you to sleep? The effect might have been opposite as fables are dense in cruelty, murder, surprising outcomes and bad family patterns. After reading some of them you might have been wide awake. Fairy tales contain wisdom very few are able to surpass, they teach you about abusive parents, silly kings, naive princesses; they highlight the importance of friendship, love, sisterhood, and brotherhood. Stories depict the tragic consequences of human fragile nature and mistakes caused by desire. Besides wisdom, they take you to the realm of magic, where mythical creatures mix with ordinary humans. There is still something so appealing in the stories that we fall for their allure again and again. This time Tale of Tales. A story definitely worth falling for.
It seems that nature gave us everything we need for survival. We were treated with hundreds of plants, fruits, herbs and edible roots. Yet we tend to limit ourselves to pork, beef, and poultry and concentrate our diet on simple, easily prepared dishes. We were programmed by tradition, by our grandmothers' dinners and our mothers' efforts to raise us strong and healthy. Maybe it's time to change something in our habits and set off towards a better and healthier life. Not everyone will be vegan or vegetarian. But all of us might at least change the percentage of meat and plants in our diet and reverse the way we do our shopping. Results will be visible in the near future. Maybe this time there will be fewer strokes, heart attacks, less hypertension. Maybe we will even be able to fight cancer. Planeat.
To me, there is nothing more fascinating than a human being. With flaws, fears, and fascinations we continue our day by day. We consume, shape and destroy what we had found here according to our needs. We have been welcomed to this planet, pinpointed to particular spot: the country, political situation, language, the color of the skin, religion. We carry our traumas, sexual orientation, pathological families, loves, losses, and diseases. We make other people stronger, we take and give, hurting others and being hurt on the way. We create an economic gap, where some have everything and others have nothing.
Each of us has a story to tell. A story of one's life. A story which will help other people deal with their traumas, heal their pains and come to terms with the past. We also hope for one such story for ourselves: a brick of help to make our house full. Each and every one of us is important. Each of us has a story to tell. Each story tells what it means to be human.
I remember my high school years divided between not particularly conscientious engagement into school work and a thorough exploration of YouTube which has been taking its first steps with no idea of how big it was going to be. The internet has changed everything. We conduct business online, we write blogs, we upload videos, making the world a smaller place, with every corner of earth available to the masses. With good, it also brought a lot of evil. Is there still a place for something genuine in the era of Facebook friends who like your profile picture but don't say "hello" when they pass you on the street? In times of great success stories is there a spot for failure and morals? Where is the line between right and wrong and what should we value? Friends? Love? Money? Fame? And once you stay genuine to oneself, can you have it all?
We live in times when emigrating for financial/professional reasons is a norm. By student exchange programs we program our children to get used to the fact that they will live abroad. We push them into circumstances distant from their motherlands where mother tongues are not understood by friends and workmates. We create an economic melting pot.
The different country requires you to live in a way the country dictates. You have to obey the norms, cultural customs, minute behavioral patterns and sometimes you make mistakes. This is a story of one such family and one such little mistake which snowballed outbursts of events, accidents, and emotions. While for some the social security system might be paradise, for others it might be hell. And taking it all into account, is there really an ideal place to live?
The different country requires you to live in a way the country dictates. You have to obey the norms, cultural customs, minute behavioral patterns and sometimes you make mistakes. This is a story of one such family and one such little mistake which snowballed outbursts of events, accidents, and emotions. While for some the social security system might be paradise, for others it might be hell. And taking it all into account, is there really an ideal place to live?
Once in a while, a stone is put in a ring of perfect size, perfect shape, and perfect color. Once in a while, a movie is made with the perfect cast, compelling plot and setting breathtaking with minute details. I'm not a fan of horror films where blood and guts are spread on the screen for no good reason. But I'm a fan of good stories, genuine emotions, and scenes that make you feel something and forget that you are sat in the cinema's seat. In times when the internet and TV are full of so much crap, it's great to see that there are still talented people who care about our entertainment and don't treat us as half-brained amoebas. One good Gothic romance to watch.
We need heroes. We need someone who in times of danger, famine, war or violence will make us feel that there is still justice in the world. We obsess over Superman, Spiderman, Ironman and we are besotted with the idea that under the disguise of an exceptional, strong and a man of unsurpassed abilities there's a plain guy: a little bit geeky, unlucky in love, abandoned by parents. Such a deprived hero is like one of us: born not into wealthy families but into circumstances we can feel attached to. Harry Potter was an ordinary boy who found out that he's extraordinary. Jesus lived not in a palace but in an ordinary house with an ordinary family. We still need to feel that there's someone in control, that the good will always win and the evil will be defeated. And a hero might be an ordinary guy trying to do some good.
Who told us that we should be fond of entertainment of the highest level? Who forbids us to laugh at the most vulgar and humiliating acts of human nature? Don't you fart, burp, digest with the volume of a loudspeaker? Have you never fallen down, tripped, slipped on a slippery road? Are you always nitpickingly perfect? I suppose not. And as far as human nature is concerned, we all like to laugh. For those with a peculiar sense of humor. Tropic Thunder. A group of not so glamorous representatives of the actor's kind and their mission.
First loves. First jobs. First marriages. There are very few lucky people who were successful from the very beginning. The majority of us managed to accomplish what we have already achieved by trial and error, making countless mistakes, hurting other people and being hurt on the way. Classic stories rarely lose any of their impacts. However times might change, people need to be loved, appreciated and made comfortable with themselves. Can infidelity be justified? Who is to blame: the unfaithful husband, the unfaithful wife, the cold spouse who for years made you unhappy? And is the happiness more important than financial security, appearances or the opinion of your family? Lady Chatterley's Lover.
Have you been lost in life which circulates around jobs, reports, boredom, stresses, work, shopping, home, shopping again, fitness activities, shopping again, lunches at a cafeteria, boredom again, shopping again, mortgage, work again, shopping again? Have you been stuck in the western civilization? Can you see the emptiness of it all? Do you crave wild and exotic vacation to change your lifestyle just a little bit? Maybe you desire a complete change of routine? Possibly you want your life turned upside down. Fight club. There was one time a man who also got lost. This is his story.
Adulthood. When you're young you start a race towards adult life, having in mind better, more independent, happier. And then you're an adult and it seems that nothing has changed. Your family situation, life problems, unsolved dilemmas will always come back and remind you of themselves like old friends popping up on your Facebook wall now and again. You think you can move to a big city and start life with new prospects ahead but the core of your being is the place you grew up and the people who shaped you as a kid. It's great, though, to come back to discover that the old, known and tried is good for you and help you deal with your issues and anxieties. Garden State. A simple meaningful story with great music in the background.
Edwardian bliss not yet destroyed by war when (for the better-off of course) life was peaceful, safely adventurous and class-oriented. What do you take into account when you decide on who to marry? Does the opinion of your family matter? Do you still consider yourself a part of a bigger group and do you need the approval of your relatives and friends in your private affairs? Or do you regard yourself as an independent entity whose choices should never be discussed by the third party? Do you value your own happiness above the happiness of others? Are you afraid of scandal and rejection? And are you brave enough to follow your heart? A Room With a View.
The topic of the wrong food that makes our society obese tends to come back to us as our bad eating habits constantly reappear with the force of a boomerang. We think we know how to eat healthily, how to avoid fast foods, how to keep the balance in life. Still, we are tempted by delicious cakes, crispy crisps, chocolate toppings, fatty burgers, and pizzas. I don't think we could ever eliminate those from our diets but we should change something in our everyday lives. Lifestyle is a combination of choices. Changing all of them is an enormous effort. Changing at least some of them is setting off on a journey towards a better life. And if one boy managed to turn his life upside down, we can also make a little bit more effort.
Family relations may be a little bit different than what appearances might suggest. Love may not be love, innocence might be the cover of bestiality and relationships can be layered with second bottoms. Have you asked your family members all the important questions? Do you know who is to be trusted and who irrevocably betrayed the trust? Or do you want to experience something which will put to doubt all your expectations? A beautifully filmed setting is the background for a few characters with less beautiful instincts. Stoker.
Tokyo. The paradise of tradition, orient, and sushi. A city both intriguing and unexplored. Consumptive culture, the most modern technology, manga, anime and the most bizarre sexual toys mixed with established norms, the division of roles and a very strict code of conducting business. For a foreigner, it's a jungle of stimulants of senses. Your taste, smell, and sense of hearing are subjected to unknown impulses. Let yourself get lost in this jungle and experience something extraordinary. There's no place like Japan. There's no place like Tokyo.
Adolescence. First loves. Rites of passage. Messed-up parents. Relationships that last and don't last, building and destroying our idea of love and friendship. Growing up is difficult. Childhood is over and staying in one little submarine of distant observation doesn't do the trick. You won't experience life if you don't get wet. A good film for those who are still growing up. And as life circumstances change, family events may require you to reinvent yourself and ask yourself deeper and deeper questions even if you're way beyond your teens.
Sometimes we need to forget about school, duties and family dilemmas. We crave autumn's charm and hot-chocolate-cup/under-a-blanket entertainment. We desire magic and mystery. It's one of my favorite childhood films when the dead come back from the grave when witches are released from their prison of time and memory, when salt is your best weapon and when simple trick-or-treat changes into an adventure of a lifetime. Hocus Pocus.
The question of people's purpose on this planet is yet to be answered. Are we here to fulfill God's plan? Are we here for a higher purpose? Are we here only as another species - a little bit more socially and technologically developed - and we need to procreate? What if some of us were brought to this world to serve another purpose, to help other people? What is their right of equality? Can everybody love, be loved and live freely? Can everybody take responsibility for one's life? And can we divide people into categories as we tend to divide ourselves: according to class, background, education, cast, race, and religion? This adaptation of a great novel will make you think.
There are very few people who nowadays don't question the authority of the Church. There are some laws which seem to us inhumane, not modern enough, inadequate to the needs of contemporary families and individuals. But if you believe in God can you keep the Church entirely at bay? If you live in an informal relationship, if you have a child out of wedlock, if you don't completely agree with the Scripture should you deprive yourself of the consolation religion has provided for millennia? Some people tried to solve this problem by the power of film. Maybe your God is everywhere you go, not only in palaces built by authorities? A film for the seekers. Doubting is yet another form of faith.
Have you got a hankering after a dose of blood and guts? Do you believe that the most common individuals can be secret agents, secret weapons of government organizations and double-identity spies? Or do you want to entertain yourself with a huge amount of action? American Ultra. A story of a couple. Action adventure with a number of people killed on the way. And as far as I'm a pacifist, I do consider it fun.
There was one big phase in films and literature when children were the focus of most stories. Kids were often abandoned by their parents, left to their own devices, which made them grow up faster than usual, deal with adult problems and experience adventures now everyone would like to have in life. One of such stories is a tale of three siblings trying to find a home, stumbling upon a series of the unfortunate events, unfortunate relatives and unfortunate whims of fate. It's always great to come back to times when magic and adventure were just at the reach of your hand, especially if your childhood was a carefully mollycoddled time divided between school, homework, TV-set, neighbors and occasional visits to fun-parks, cinemas, and fast food restaurants.
Do you remember the classic agent/spy stories with handsome men, beautiful women, luxurious hotels, gourmet food, great cities in the background and a mission of saving the world from war/annihilation/destruction/decimation of its people along the way? One such story takes us back in time to the breathtaking Rome when the USA, the USSR, and the UK were not particularly on good political terms. And apart from the main story, you have to admit - some fifty years ago people in the western part of the Berlin Wall did enjoy their food, clothes, and luxury. Now we can enjoy the reconstruction of an entertaining spy adventure.
There's a choice between having an easy life, cutting short the path of your rise to adult life and enjoying the pleasures of financial security. All that glitters is not gold, however, and from time to time it is the life and the people we surround ourselves with who teach us that there are actually no shortcuts. And while some say that school education is not enough these days and has less and less to do with the real life experiences, there is still something that we can gain from teachers, books, and diplomas. Depending on someone does not mean that this someone will make us indefinitely happy. Education gives you independence. And while relationships are changing over time, women did gain the freedom they always wanted and needed to obtain.
When the lack of money for medical experiments is an obstacle in helping others and when you need to resort to controversial methods to achieve success, Poland is the best place to start. You can say a lot about Polish people, but no one can take away their resourcefulness and wit. One Polish guy can do what needs to be done by a bunch of specialists from other nations. And there was one Polish man who managed to do what no one had done before. Paving the way for other heart transplants, he managed to save a life.
If you crave entertainment slightly different from what you're used to watching, you probably need to see this film. There are many crime stories, predictable scenarios of good guys fighting bad guys in the endless chase of righteousness and evil. But what if you decided to be a criminal yourself? What if your life of wealth, happiness, and love was inherently a lie and there was a dark, dangerous secret standing behind your prosperity? Is it worth to risk it all to have even more? Scandinavian black comedy for viewers looking for extreme emotions and fans of Jo Nesbø's wit.
One thing is coming out to oneself and deciding to live a life true to your preferences and desires. Another thing is to come out to your family and friends and try to convince the world that there's nothing wrong with you and you want to have a normal life. And as love and the object of your love are the most fragile aspects of your reality, there might be a big wall standing between you and your family. A wall which sooner or later has to crash. There's rarely a related group of people who don't stumble upon something considered untypical. And a wedding might not necessarily be between a man and a woman. Jenny's wedding.