Homme Less
It often surprises me how superficial the idea of success is. You struggle, being poor, to buy the necessities of life, to pay for the basics of your maintenance. Then the luck turns upside down and you're wealthy, having won the blessing of a good job or starting your own business. The business flourishes until you're considered less attractive, until people are bored with your persona, until you're considered less up-to-date. And while you got used to a certain level of life, the luck might change again. Now you have to pay the bills for your restaurant meals, pay off your mortgage or sell everything you have to make ends meet. At times you end up in the street. Homeless. With higher education diploma, with past career and memories of prosperity, you find yourself alone without any shelter. And while we can observe the philosophy of downsizing, of choosing less instead of more, is the life devoid of home and family worth our pity or admiration?