Star Wars
12:42:00There are very few stories that are known by practically everybody in the World, and truthfully so, they deserve to be. Whether you're in your seventies or in your teens, you are familiar with Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, R2D2, C3P0, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Rey, Kylo Ren, Yoda, and many many more. George Lucas did something unthinkable for the human race. He created a myth, not even claiming to base it on reality, and amassed a cult following of willing, younger and younger fans. He provided children and adults with game ideas, Halloween costumes, and dreams. He launched careers, made personalities alive, inspired toys and gadgets. But also, he left a saga of unforgettable, funny, original characters who are willing to stand up against the forces of evil. Nine films in the saga, spanning from 1977, additional stories and TV series, hours of entertainment: endless possibilities to become a fan yourself. And can there be a greater Force? Star Wars.