Palm Trees in the Snow/ Palmeras en la nieve
Your parents are grandparents seem to you old and weak people who need to be taken care of. But there was a time when they were also young: they had their romances, pleasures, and tragedies. They were wild, brave and unstoppable. The world belonged to them, their future was still uncertain and you - today's youth, weren't even taken into account as living beings. But times fly and generations shift, making the young rediscover the past of their parents. It's a beautiful story of how one niece came across an amazing story of love, hidden by years of political changes and family conflicts. Colonial Africa, breathtaking views, cultural clashes, racial injustice, and one man's fight to happiness. Two generations connected with one snowy mountainous house of the present and scorching hot, wild beaches and bushes of distant Africa. Enjoy.