Your parents are grandparents seem to you old and weak people who need to be taken care of. But there was a time when they were also young: they had their romances, pleasures, and tragedies. They were wild, brave and unstoppable. The world belonged to them, their future was still uncertain and you - today's youth, weren't even taken into account as living beings. But times fly and generations shift, making the young rediscover the past of their parents. It's a beautiful story of how one niece came across an amazing story of love, hidden by years of political changes and family conflicts. Colonial Africa, breathtaking views, cultural clashes, racial injustice, and one man's fight to happiness. Two generations connected with one snowy mountainous house of the present and scorching hot, wild beaches and bushes of distant Africa. Enjoy.
Can one coincidental meeting on a train outline your fate for the years to come? Can one tragedy put a break to happiness and family bliss? How complicated is a mother-daughter relationship, especially when the roles reverse and the younger has to take care of the older one? Why do you get disappointed with both your parents and children and all are individuals with their own needs and flaws? A mother in search of a daughter and a story about the woman's growth and lots of self-seeking. Julieta.
Growing up has one common quality: you make mistakes. You think that as a young woman you have it all figured out, your ambitious plan for happiness is set to push you onto the road of accomplishment and love, but the reality can be harsher than that. Can looks, brains or having a loving boyfriend help you in your process? Or will you learn the hard way that you don't always get what you want? Three completely different girls, one extra job in a pizza place, and a very warm and smart film to watch. Enjoy.
Imagine a world where your genes determine what kind of profession and lifestyle you are going to have. There are no job interviews, no doubts, no dreams. A simple blood test outlines your professional path and there's nothing to discuss. Either you're a champion or you're a loser. You can design your perfect child and this perfect child can be put on the road to success. You can see that nature is full of flaws and in comparison with genetic modifications, it fails to create perfection. But what if your dreams surpassed your inborn abilities and you wanted a better life for yourself? What if there was a plan to deceive the system? Why talent and predispositions are not enough and to achieve what you dream about you need a very strong will, luck, and one or two lies? Gattaca.
What still seems to be difficult in the business world, is having a career by a woman. We are flooded with stereotypes that women are more emotional than men and less suitable for business. Women still have to cover their brains behind the curtain of pretty faces and sexualized bodies. Female workers also prove to be their greatest enemies, as a competition of a good job, a great man by the side, and other personal achievements seems to overshadow simple solidarity between them. And still, very few ladies are consequent enough to pursue a career in their dream field, resigning from achievements and devoting their lives to family. Personal failures are still accepted less than professional ones. But what if you have brains to follow your dream and circumstances prove that you have nothing to lose? The late eighties very much remind us of contemporary times and the struggles of contemporary women. Haircuts might have changed, but can't we all identify? Working Girl.