In any business, for a woman to climb up the career ladder is difficult not only because she has to work twice as hard to prove that she's as good as men. She has to deal with the obstacles impersonated by mean colleagues from work, family's remarks, ticking biological clock, and a husband to juggle. To have it all seems almost impossible and very few are willing to devote the lifetime for professional work, being still labeled unscrupulous, greedy, and self-obsessed. Times haven't changed that much for the better as shows the selection of politicians, heads of the country, and people given the right to speak publicly. This is a men's world, indeed. Add to this omnipresent sexual harassment and it turns into a woman's hell. But don't you think that enough is enough, and those who sinned must be finally punished? What if one woman's voice triggered an avalanche of confessions? #metoo in the world of television, Bombshell.