Then Came You
Sometimes you are so focused on the problems that you forget about a bigger world. There are issues impossible to overcome for many of us but only yours seem so complex and depressing. Don't you appreciate what you have only by seeing that some don't have even half of your possessions? Don't you feel weirdly ashamed that you're fed and have a roof over your head when seeing homeless and hungry? Don't these shifts of attention put your life into perspective and make you learn your lessons?
What if the biggest hypochondriac met a girl who was about to die? Will coming up with a bucket list teach him how to catch the day and live life to the fullest? Can we by accident find our life's best friend and change our outlook on life? A lesson on how to appreciate what is around and make dreams a reality, as nothing is impossible. An art of saying goodbye, humbly taking what's before us and letting go. Then Came You.