Becoming Astrid/ Unga Astrid
We love the stories of rich and successful people who created something for all of us to enjoy. People who came up with something outside of the box, from a company of inhibition and established rules spread the wings of independence, excite us. They had the guts to do something many only dream about or are forced to when all else fails, often with mixed results. For some security is more important than following the dream of being one's own boss. For others, family and children, become a bigger priority than their own dreams of success. Others yet, have to fight for their lives and establish the closest relations to be able to start the career of their dreams. Why losing someone means appreciating them twice as much? Where do you get an inspiration and why talent is seen from the youngest years? And why one hundred years ago the life of Astrid Lindgren, the famous children author, an unmarried woman with a child was a tough nut to bite? Becoming Astrid. The greatest stories are often created from the greatest pain.