

The fate of your birth decided what you believe in. As a child, you rarely have an opportunity to chose and compare one religion to another. You follow your family's tradition, your school's teaching, your nearest church. At the far end of the world, a different child follows another tradition, school, and church. Both of them are sure that their faith is the one and only truth. 
 Over centuries different denominations, beliefs, dogmas caused millions to perish in pain and suffering. They still do. For the God. But your God might not be my God. My God might not be everybody's God. For some, there might not be a God at all. God should mean goodness, justice, equality, forgiveness, peace, and hope. Instead, it means hatred, punishment, judgment, ostracism, prejudice, intolerance and fear. No one wants to die for someone's God. No one wants to see people suffering in the name of one's own God. Is it better then to remain silent? A film about the power of faith and cruelty of a man. Silence


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On the nature of pictures

*Every Google image belongs to someone and this someone should be noted. However, if pictures are scenes from the film they most probably belong to owners of the film/producers. I use saved screens of the Google compilation of pictures, thus the pictures of pictures, which I take, cut and edit myself (as a derivative use). They are used for reviewing purposes (fair use), not for diminishing the films' profits by stealing what rightly belongs to them. Copyright is tricky, let's get used to it.