You can be offered the best salary in the world, the best possible conditions of life, you can be presented with the future no one would be able to grant you otherwise. You can be finally given love, family and a new life. Taken it all into account, why is it so that you never stop missing the place in which you were born? Why even the cheapest home food tastes twice better than the most expensive restaurant meal? Why you get so much used to the views and the landscapes of your home cities and towns that you miss them even harder when you are away? Why will even the most secure family situation never let you forget about your roots, your childhood, and your past? An amazing story of lost home, an inspiration for many, tragedy of countless and a thought-provoking adventure for us all: immigrants, emigrants, work commuters. And those who lost all and will never stop missing. Lion.
What's wrong with us as a civilization that for centuries we are entirely fine with killing other human beings: since ancient Roman battles, through crusades, wars and terrorist attacks; and we cannot accept sex? What's wrong with us, as today we watch people from Syria sending messages pleading for help and we're numb as we're afraid of our religious beliefs threatened, our jobs filled and people taking away the safe air we breathe? What's wrong with Muslims as they see a woman's sunbathing body in a bikini a threat to their patriarchal perception of the world? What's wrong with those who run a truck into a group of innocent people, having their brain washed and deceived that there's a reward for killing in the name of fanaticism, as there's really no reward? What's wrong with the two-faced Catholic morality of infidelity, greed, and lust, hiding behind the cover of goodness, tradition and preaching? Why do people need to have God to hurt and kill others, as without God they seem to be little children not willing to take responsibility for their actions? Why are small people afraid of words which expose their weaknesses, insecurities and their lack of reasoning? And why it all seems less controversial than a nasty tribute to penis and vagina? All about freedom of speech, sex, pleasure, and perversion. It seems that we haven't changed that much. Unforgettable Quills.
If you wish to watch something adventurous and entertaining, with the European sense of humor, you'd most likely enjoy Taxi. There are no speed limits in the pursuit of friendship, romance, and professional ups and downs, while every ordinary guy can be a hero, win a beautiful girl and literally save the world. Three parts of exciting pursuits, kidnappings, organized criminal groups and mission impossibles of a hilarious but effective couple: a policeman and a taxi driver. Sometimes one commercial car can be more successful than the whole state-funded investigation department. Enjoy.
Life is such a fragile thing. One day you're the king of the world with your plans, expectations, and boosts of confidence. And then BAM! One event turns your life upside down. Yes, it is unexpected. Yes, it hurts as hell. Yes, this is the life, 'Why me?' does apply and you can ask pleading questions as biblical Job, never expecting the answer. You see, some people win the lottery, some lose. And either way, it doesn't make your life any less worth the deal.
Can you deal with your life once you're struck by a tragedy? Can you manage with the irreversible circumstances of your fate, survive physical pain, the lack of control and disability? Can you accept that you cannot be always on top and at times the game of life places you in the losing position? Can you find meaning and optimism in what's left and all the little things that remind you that life isn't over yet, even though for you it might be over? Can you start from the beginning and try again to learn everything that made you once a complete human being? A beautiful film about a life, a fight, a struggle. And love, as without love any suffering hurts twice as much. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.
Medical and technological advances spring up like mushrooms after rain. Granted a certain amount of money, you can have control over the features of your child: you can choose an egg, a sperm donor, even a surrogate. Let's take a step further, possibly in the future you will be able to choose more specific features: hair color, the shape of eyes, level of intelligence. It might be possible that you will produce a better you, without flaws, without defects and genetically predisposed diseases. But what if your plan went slightly wrong? What if, instead of a perfect creature, you'd create something a little bit too perfect? Morgan.
You'd think that having the same genes would create a bond between people, a connection which develops into mutual respect and reliability. You'd think that sisters would love each other despite comparisons, that brothers would be comrades in spite of competitiveness. Two children can be as different from each other as two sides of the same coin. Two siblings can grow up to be completely separate people.
In the circumstances of war, would you rather choose a hero traumatized in the turmoils of war or a troubled family man easy to spend time with? A significant number of women: wives of policemen, firefighters and soldiers have to make the same, this time life, choice. An interesting outtake on the matter, a remake of a Danish film which poses many questions about morality, love, and death.
In the circumstances of war, would you rather choose a hero traumatized in the turmoils of war or a troubled family man easy to spend time with? A significant number of women: wives of policemen, firefighters and soldiers have to make the same, this time life, choice. An interesting outtake on the matter, a remake of a Danish film which poses many questions about morality, love, and death.
What if children happen to be abandoned by parents and are left with no form of guidance and protection? What can occur if they have a house to themselves and all the curfews and rules suddenly taken away from them? What roles will be usurped by the remaining family members? Will they change and grow up? Will the family stay a family despite a major loss of two important people: its head and neck: the father and the mother? And what children left to their own devices are capable of doing? Based on a novel by Ian McEwan The Cement Garden.
Can you put an equivalent between every crime? What should be perceived more punishable? Killing someone on the verge of dying or killing someone whose life priorities are not necessarily of the highest morals? Is there a hierarchy of crimes when all you have to do to survive is drink the blood of other living beings? Is there a survival for those who not only broke the rules of life and death but happened to break the rules of the patriarchal society where a man was the voice, power, and money (and the woman was only a property and had to be obedient)? Is there a chance for a mother and a daughter in the flawed world which from the start placed women in the inferior position? Is there a hope for a normal life when you had been tinted with the drop that through centuries created blood-sucking monsters? Byzantium.
There are so many stories of war victims. While millions perished in gas chambers or were killed in battles, uprisings and bombings, from time to time an individual story of survival comes to light. A boy who spent years in someone's attic, a girl adopted by a couple, forced to pretend that she's of a different faith. Or a woman who lost everything because of war circumstances and was kept in the cellar of an apartment. What if a friendship between two women turned into something deeper and more intense under the pressured intimacy of fear and loss? What if in times so terrible for women, when hundreds of thousands were raped and manslaughtered by soldiers, there were two who created their own idea of home, peace, and happiness? What if one of them tried to do everything to keep this situation for ever? What if a lie in hiding was easier than telling the truth?
You fall in love. You get married. Your children are born. You build a house, buy a flat, travel the world. And one day you wake up and this intense fondness towards your partner is gone. You don't feel anything, you don't even wish him/her well. But can you end your relationship in a civilized way? Can you divide your possessions without grudges and aggression? Can you deal with the trauma of a break-up as a grown-up or will you do everything to win the metaphorical battle between good and evil, showing that you're always right? Will you resort to the most humiliating, unforgivable acts to get even? A film about divorce. Enjoy.
We live in gaps. Some people have too much of everything and they spend money on unnecessary things. Some people live below a dollar a day and don't spend at all because they cannot afford anything. Some people live a lifetime with one person, for some even a hundred lovers don't seem to be enough. Some don't want to have children and they give them up for adoption, others invest money in fertility treatment and in-vitro. And then, there are twists of fate.
What if somewhere in the middle of nowhere there was a couple who desperately wanted to have something, but was unable to get it? What if a surprising giggle of fortune brought them a spark of hope, home and happiness? What if they did something wrong for all good reasons? Can you be really happy, depriving others of their precious possessions? Will you manage to gain from someone's loss? The Light Between Oceans.
Marriage. Stability. Routine. Little happy feet waking you every day, craving food, attention and endless play time. Every day, day by day. Never ending sameness turning your life into an impossible nightmare. And on the other hand: sex, desire, adventure, and escape. Can you leave it all to once again feel desired and uninhibited? Is your life of stability really such a nightmare? And why so many people decide to abandon the families they already have for the happiness with someone else? Is the dream romance with this someone doomed to the same final collapse? On the other hand, is it worth getting stuck in a hole with no escape just for the sake of children? Would you stick to what is known and sure or would you fight for your happiness? What will be your choice, and will you judge those who made different choices? Little Children.