

Is a crime in the name of higher good an explainable crime? Is killing someone in an act of revenge for another criminal deed understandable and, thus, should be left without punishment? Is an act of activism the only way to bring the public eye to the problem? In the troubled times of terrorist attacks and mass migration, should we change our rules of conduct? Should we treat law differently? A film which will make you think. Is leaving the one who deserves punishment a crime in itself, and is helping those who hurt in the name of higher purpose an act of good will or a selfish token of love? Heaven.


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On the nature of pictures

*Every Google image belongs to someone and this someone should be noted. However, if pictures are scenes from the film they most probably belong to owners of the film/producers. I use saved screens of the Google compilation of pictures, thus the pictures of pictures, which I take, cut and edit myself (as a derivative use). They are used for reviewing purposes (fair use), not for diminishing the films' profits by stealing what rightly belongs to them. Copyright is tricky, let's get used to it.