

It seems that we have got used to resources such as air, water, and food. Living in a developed world, we cannot really imagine having no electricity, clean water, and at least one meal a day. You don't have to look far away to find places in need of humanitarian help. But if the Earth was doomed to hunger and annihilation, if the climate and general conditions of life deteriorated to the extent of forcing us to abandon the planet, who would be brave enough to make sacrifices? Is leaving the family for an infinite number of years worth the pain? Can the loneliness of a space journey be endured by everybody and will everyone be able to see beyond selfish desires to fight for the common good? And, finally, will space surprise us in complexity which reaches beyond our senses and comprehension? Totally amazing, Interstellar

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On the nature of pictures

*Every Google image belongs to someone and this someone should be noted. However, if pictures are scenes from the film they most probably belong to owners of the film/producers. I use saved screens of the Google compilation of pictures, thus the pictures of pictures, which I take, cut and edit myself (as a derivative use). They are used for reviewing purposes (fair use), not for diminishing the films' profits by stealing what rightly belongs to them. Copyright is tricky, let's get used to it.