Don't you find it difficult to be true to oneself in the reality dominated by social portals and internet sites? Can you be honest with your parents, workmates, friends, and lovers? Why our society changed into a one which keeps appearances in the social world and reveals our true feelings online? It is sometimes devastating to grow up, knowing that your actions can be traced and your mistakes recorded. We built this reality and we consciously take part in it. All of us. Men. Women. Children. Where is the line between the marital fidelity, proper upbringing and complete violation of human rights, including the freedom of privacy and beliefs?
The intention of the blog is to provide a journey through the films from the perspective of a writer/viewer. Pictures* are taken from widely available Google images to give a gist of what film is being mentioned. The reader's choice and free will are to be inspired, go to the cinema, buy a DVD/Blu-ray or watch TV in the comfortable space of his home. I don't own any of the materials and my intention is not to distribute any of them. The blog is a compilation of subjectively the most entertaining and beneficial productions screened over the years. So enjoy.