Everybody has his or her path toward self-acceptance. One day you happily fit in the society's norm, just as everybody else finishing schools, passing exams, partying and worrying about your acne. The next day you realize that you might be a part of a minority not necessarily tolerated by your family circle and friends. Worse yet, at times the whole world is against you and you are thrown into an institution which is designed to straighten your wicked ways and improve your morale. Everybody wants to be accepted but not everybody is lucky enough to have it the easy way. Is being attracted to your best friend the worst crime? The Miseducation of Cameron Post.
Behind every strong man stands a woman of double strength. It is her role to take care of the family and her husband's success. She stands politely in the shadow when her partner gets standing ovations, receives awards, and puts a mark behind his name in the pages of history. Doesn't she have the right to be a little bit frustrated, being omitted in this praising process and pushed into the insignificance? Or maybe her devotion reaches way further than ironing shirts and laying the table? And what if her husband receives The Nobel Prize for the lifetime work and her only role is to be there and watch? The Wife.
We have crushes on various people. Some traits, either of the character or appearance we find attractive and others don't fit in our scenario for a happy relationship. But is being overly too romantic good for this hard materialistic world and doesn't it lead to way too many broken hearts? On the other hand, can you consciously resign from love on the grounds of money and family acceptance? Can you rationally weigh the pros and cons of your feeling and give up your own happiness for someone else's benefit? Two completely different women and two equally strong love affairs, Jane Austen's heritage: Sense and Sensibility.
It's impossible to resist the temptation of love. Everybody wants to be loved and admired, and everybody craves physical fulfillment. The question of the latter comes down to consent. What if your profession is to defend victims of domestic and sexual abuse and your personal life is filled with tragic experiences you want to overcome and choices which make you a villain? What if you use your expertise and education to avoid punishment for your own crime? Why there's rarely something like altruistic heroism and those admired often commit the same crimes as common criminals? Can you escape a vicious circle of dependence and what can be the consequences of one brief love affair? Dronningen.
For a lot of men, the fact that women can derive pleasure from sex is unthinkable. This is why, due to the fear of humiliation, insecurity, and loss of their face and possessions, they closed the beautiful sex in the box of child-rearing, meals-preparing, and thoughtless. Throughout the continents, cultures, and traditions, we, women, have been mistreated and discriminated. Let's pose some questions. Why millions of girls are circumcised each year without their consent and left with a life-long trauma while men enjoy the life of privilege and can have many wives? Why in India women are raped on an everyday basis and blamed for someone else's sins? Why the Church represents something deeply unholy, not helping thousands of nuns abused by thousands of priests? Why in Japan, enjoying the tradition of penis celebration, the sculpture of a female vagina raises so much controversy and can put you in a prison? And why so many girls are thrown into the trap of marriage and child-bearing by their orthodox families, having to choose between being rejected by their community and their own happiness? What does it mean to be a woman nowadays and why years of injustice are not so easy to erase? #Female Pleasure.