Before every teenage girl fell for Edward, the handsome and protective vampire from The Twilight Saga and every girl/woman boosting up her sexual fantasies got herself besotted with Christian Grey from Fifty Shades of Grey, for decades there was another love story which colored the gloomy evenings of romantic souls. It seems that we love the idea of a strong independent woman who, having suffered enough in her life, finally stands for her own happiness. Is there a chance for a happy ending for a mistreated and deprived of love Jane Eyre? What mystery hides behind the walls of Thornfield Hall? And isn't Edward Fairfax Rochester the inspiration for a contemporary ideal man, broken by life and experiences, but able to win our hearts despite the thorny cover? Two adaptations (1996 and 2011) of one great love story, a feast of contemporary acting talents, and a treat for the eye. Jane Eyre.
Sooner or later in life, we take into account the fact that our future might be shaped by a completely different conflict. We consider many doomsday scenarios, we realize that there have been wars of various kinds and at times they were caused by one unfortunate (or stupid) event which led to the perishing of millions. Future is yet unknown but, having witnessed the epidemics of flu, black death, Ebola, and Zika virus, we might not be entirely sure that there will be another kind of virus. And another war will be waged by us against an infected mutation of the humankind that enjoys eating human flesh.
Post-apocalyptic versions of life on the planet populated by blindly unscrupulous killing and eating machine and the lucky few who want and wish to end it all and bring back peace. Is there a place for human feelings in a world which becomes more and more indifferent towards any suffering? How probable are the actions of the military and government against organized evil on a global scale? Can you trust those you should be most cautious of? And are children the ultimate answer? Two films with an epic vision of one potential war against Zombies, The Girl with All the Gifts and World War Z. Are you afraid? Enjoy.
Never underestimate the power of love. You might rationally weigh the pros and cons of forming a relationship, entering into a marriage, conceiving a child and building a house together. But weak feelings fade in time leaving the bittersweetness from Adele songs: gone, insignificant, mundane, awkward. But true love never dies, it's not destroyed by distance or time. It lasts despite obstacles, family conflicts, religious differences, age gap, and war. A romance which fed generations of romantics and lovers of mystery. A young love which conquered death, but broke many innocent lives due to its protagonists' passionate tempers. A pair of characters who enchanted masses and still do between the reality TV shows and fast food meals. Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights and one memorable adaptation. Enjoy.
History knows many influential women, independent minds who added to the progress of civilization and were strong-minded enough to change the politics, law or culture. Women proved that they don't need men to achieve something and their fate is in their own hands. But tragic lives of those who were sat on the top and taken to the very bottom by the hands of people's will are those we tend to remember the most. Is it easy to be welcomed in a foreign country and put in a position of power? Can a marriage of alliance bring happiness to a young inexperienced woman? Can the society of gossip and entertainment spoil a woman to the extent of being a legend of a shopping spree? And isn't every tragic woman a victim of circumstances? A modern take on history, Kirsten Dunst in Marie Antoinette, which divided the French and fascinated the American youth.
Love is a dangerous game and being too confident in any game can make you lose from your own weapon. While engaging in fleeting romances and appeasing sexual appetite have rather hedonistic values with no guarantee of longevity, playing with feelings can prove to break more than one heart. In the society, which in the past fed on gossip just as now it feeds on gossip columns in internet blogs and flashing covers of blockbuster magazines, is there a chance for true love? Can the most demoralized learn their lessons and is there any good in the most degenerated minds, who seem to have seen it all, done it all and have no boundaries to cross? A beautiful classic based on de Laclos' 18th-century novel, and a modern version of the same story. Can a villain win the purest of hearts? Enjoy.
The greatest lessons are learned by near to death experience. Having it all and losing everything of value makes you reevaluate your life. What was significant for your entire life seems to fade when clashed with the new circumstances: bankruptcy, cancer, the death of the beloved. But can temporary amnesia and being tricked into a normal, hard and from hand to mouth routine change your attitude and make you a better person? From riches to rags with a bonus of a heart-warming family environment in 1987 was funny enough to produce a 2018 remake. A lesson what is really important in life and why in every snobbish bitch and spoilt heir of a substantial fortune there is ultimately a pinch of good. Overboard.
We, humans, are prone to aggression. Hatred like a ticking bomb with every second overflows the taught cultural behavior and we are willing to go on the streets and fight for what we believe in. And approach those who dare to have a different opinion. Technology accumulated this trait and turned it into social media hatred, allowing us to express our opinions anonymously and collectively like and share with others. We agreed to create a bubble of venom. At the same time, we want our private to be private, our sins to be known only to us, and we would like to judge not being judged ourselves. But imagine a small town, in which just like throughout your social network, everybody knows one another well. Imagine all the private conversations leaked, all the gossip spread, all the affairs revealed and people allowed to take action and conduct a personal vendetta for their lost reputation. Something of a cult, rebel, female-power thing, Assassination Nation. Enjoy.