There are periods in your life when everything seems to go downhill. You are in a bad relationship, your career seems to have seen better days, you screw up everything you touch and you disappoint everybody: friends, family and yourself. Especially, if you are a woman. To contrast, your best friend is having the best time of her life and the whole world opens before her like golden gates to heaven and happiness. If you crave some consoling entertainment and a few good laughs, you won't waste time with life at the crossroads classic and hilarious feel good romantic comedy, Bridesmaids.
It's best to disassociate yourself from the truth. It's nice to avoid the images of pain, cruelty, and suffering. It's easier to opt for the pretty package: nice shoes, restaurant meals, crispy salad and a barbecue. Fun fact: the ones who are connected with the business, rarely eat meat. Were they traumatized by the images of slaughter, blood, and bones? Couldn't they differentiate between two pictures: a free animal with emotions and a chop on a plate? There were times when people made divisions among themselves, decided who was better and who had the right to live. They built slaughterhouses for people called concentration camps. Now they just build slaughter houses for animals. It's easy to disassociate yourself from the truth if this truth doesn't concern your best friend. An eye-opener and a story of friendship, a battle for animal rights and cruelty of the business world which values profit over mercy. Eye-watering and unbelievably awesome. Maybe we should be better as people to deserve the love and gratitude of our pets. Okja.
Is it easy to be married off to someone who doesn't make us happy? Is it bearable to be always under control, to have no say in life decisions, to be a prisoner of fate? Is it understandable to follow the voice of your heart to fulfill your deepest desires? Can you win happiness against all odds? Can you resort to every crime? Can you live with the guilt or will you be eaten by conscience? What a woman married without passion and right to decisions will do to regain her freedom? And what scruples can you feel once you commit the unforgivable sin? Based on Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola, In Secret.
In times when man's income was man's value, the priority of a woman wasn't really to fall in love. She was supposed to be well taken care of, as in the case of her parents' death she had to be supported. But you couldn't help to fall for someone despite financial deficiencies, you couldn't help to develop feelings for the ones who you truly respected and admired. Greatest love stories happened despite reason and sense. When life was so short and so fragile, when you couldn't get used to your own children as their growth to adulthood was so uncertain, could you truly fall for a man? Could love for ribbons and poetry find some mutual ground for the firsts buds of fondness to spring, could they bring together two equally passionate people? Last days of John Keats in Bright Star.
Wouldn't you like to have a little bit of fame? Wouldn't you like to share your traumas, everyday observations fears and emotions with millions of people by the means of television? Some turn this nagging need into YouTube vlogs, the Instagram abundance of pictures or Facebook and Twitter posts. We all have a need to communicate. The majority, due to the lack of means, decide to stay quiet or limit their audience to only a couple of hundred of acquaintances. Money opens many doors. What if a huge lottery win could fulfill one woman's wish to become another Oprah? Are fame, money, and power really worth the deal, or is that true that the best things in life you really cannot buy? Welcome to Me.
Adapting to American lifestyle is not that easy. You have to work hard, enter the race for the American Dream of a beautiful house, car and respectable family. Your diet will change into fast food restaurant treats such as pizza, pancakes and fried chicken. Your lifestyle will undergo significant alternations from sports and hobbies, enjoyable time spent with your neighbors to the way you do your shopping. You can really blend in if you try. Just get the grasp of the language and try your best. But what if you were an illegal immigrant? What if your stay in the USA was curtailed by mean officials who don't want you to be there? Trump's policy rings a bell? Apparently, not everybody can feel welcome. But what if you came from a different planet and had no other option but to stay among the friendly fellows of the human race? Will you be able to blend in? America at its best and a hilarious family entertainment we all have been brought up watching. Despite the family background. Coneheads. Funny enough, extremely up to date.
We, humans, don't learn by rules. If I tell you not to put your fingers into an electric socket, you'd most likely ask why. They have two holes, if you're bored the best way to spend your time is to stick your fingers there and wait for the result. If you say you're not so stupid as to even try, I'll ask whether you checked or someone told you that you shouldn't do this. How can you be so sure? Maybe the danger is only in theory?
We, humans, learn by stories. Possibly once you heard a story about a boy who was so intrigued by the electric socket that he decided to put there his two fingers and experienced a tragic death. Half of his body was burned from the shock, some pieces of meat from his arms, hands, and calf literally fell apart. He died, of course. But the smell of grilled meat was filling the room for days.
Are you still attracted to the electric socket or will you steer clear of it, always remembering the story about the grilled boy every time you want to play with the tempting device? Would you like to be told a story about a boy who survived on a boat with a tiger? Unbelievable? Possibly, yes. Would you like to learn something about God, religion, friendship, faith, us as humans and discover wisdom which reaches far beyond intellect and reason? Something more than a film, Life of Pi.
If you seek another reason for why people are killing themselves mercilessly for centuries, don't look far. Think about your beliefs. Maybe you believe that after death you will be saved for following the rules of your religion, that your soul will be elevated and you will be awarded for all good deeds you committed. Well, that might be true. Eternal bliss seems to be a nice life motivation. The problem is that the same attitude is shared by a follower of a different religion. Different rules, different awards, and in their eyes, you might be a heretic. It's always about the perspective. Things haven't change that much over the years. Do you still think that you are right and they are wrong? Can you love despite religious differences? Can your enemy turn into your friend? What a ruthless massacre can stem from the game of power? And how many deaths can follow one small difference in religious beliefs? In divided France there was a royal family, breaking all social norms, there were marriages for truce, love affairs despite divisions and executions without reason. Based on Alexandre Dumas' novel, bloody and hypnotizing Queen Margot.
Love. Yep, it helps you move mountains, give up smoking, give up random acquaintances and nasty habits of biting nails and eating past midnight. Yep, it is rare, as nowadays it is easy to mistake it for passion, attraction, and infatuation. Love is a process and sometimes not the easiest one to digest. Love can also make you fall into the trap of the same mistakes. If your intellectual abilities allow you, you can really do something amazing just to be with the one you cannot be without. An inseparable couple and a lot of hilarious prison cunning mischievousness. Based on an incredible true story. Yep, I Love You, Phillip Morris.
There are stages in your life when you would like to be bigger, have access to things unavailable: be it different friends, a totally different salary, the benefits of a good job, the house of one's dreams. Crazy thing is that for everything in life you have to wait and it's best to enjoy the journey. The important thing, though, is to understand that every phase of life has its problems, benefits, and frustrations. It doesn't mean that in time it will get better, but in retrospect, you will know whether the choices you made were the good ones and whether you have regrets. A great trip down the memory lane: four films with a slightly similar concept. It's not always that great to be an adult, but would you like to take that route once again? Enjoy.
Imagine the cutest little pet that you get as a Christmass present. It's sweet, furry, soft and adorable. It will be your best friend if you just allow you two to bond. But every perfection has its dark side. If you break a couple of rules, you can suffer terrible consequences. What is beautiful on the outside can easily morph into the ugliest, the most dangerous and uncontrollable creature that will make your life a living nightmare. With a sequel: Gremlins. A cult gem from some people's childhood. Enjoy.