The order of things is usually the same for everyone. You are born, you happily enter childhood, you grow up to make mistakes and to create yourself as an adult: complete and flawless in your own individual state. You fall in love, you start your relationships, you form your family: build a house, plant a tree, have children. You grow old. You die. Not necessarily. There was one particular case of one interesting individual, a case which could question what you know about life and death. The state of your body does not always imply the state of your mind. Looking old does not always mean that your mental state includes you among the elderly. Enjoy.
Fear, different ideologies, economic situation or a sense of honor contribute to the arousal worst human traits and behaviors. We taught ourselves how to kill, how to produce weapons of mass destruction. We incorporated our survival skills to create more efficient ways of wiping out our own species from the surface of the Earth. Instead of putting all the effort to inventing drugs for cancer and incurable diseases, instead of fighting with poverty, illiteracy and economic gap, we join the armed conflict. War is expensive. It requires sacrifices: weapons bought, uniforms sewn, soldiers fed, dead bodies in a number of million buried in the ground. It brings alive the worst in human: it allows a grown man to rape an innocent girl, it allows prostitution to flourish and leaves no place for sanctity. This is one more view on the hostilities of war and what is can do to the most innocent. A moving film and a lesson for us all.
What are you afraid of? Earthquake? The collapse of the economy? Plane crash? Maybe alien attack? It usually happens unexpectedly like all the alien attacks you experienced in your life. There might be symptoms, initial signs telling you that something isn't right, that the Earth is going to change in an irreversible way. Waves of alteration might occur, ignoring your view on the matter. Will you be able to survive? Will you adjust to new circumstances? Will you learn how to kill without scruples? Will you kill the right ones? Will you always have immaculate hair-do regardless of the course of events? Nice entertainment for action seekers. The 5th Wave.

We now think in categories: profit, income, budget, release, box office. Out of simple crisis-struck life, we learned to calculate. And you could probably calculate the amount of money invested in all of these productions, but really what's the point? Let yourself go. Fall for the world which enchanted millions over a hundred years ago by the means of a Rudyard Kipling's book, about half a century ago by the means of a Disney animated movie, over twenty years ago and now. Be amazed at the bond which one little boy can form with animals. Gasp at the overwhelming fauna and flora and feel at one with nature, admiring the diversity of animal species. Live the adventure. I lived. No shame there.
Moving to a new place might be hard: new acquaintances, new challenges, quite a lot of new enemies. It can feel lonely. You need someone who will comfort you and be your friend in times of trouble. It can be a neighbor, it can be a beloved pet or it can be a ... ghost. Some houses are haunted, others require constant renovation and plumbing work, yet others keep secrets just waiting to be discovered. Some ghosts are friendly, others will do everything to scare a human being in a most disgusting and irritable way. And some friends will stay with you forever regardless of their rather hardly tangible state. Casper.
Every European country is different. Years of separation, conflicts, friendships and mutual animosities were the reason for vast cultural differences between nations. It's not only the language and food but also dating, sex life and family bonds which set one country apart from another. You see that especially if you are in a relationship with a person from another country. You can observe it when meeting your partner's family and friends. And while some differences might be seen as acceptable, others are difficult to digest, cause problems in relationships or make you laugh out loud at the paradoxes of human nature. Sometimes you need just a few days to let a different culture sink in and change your perception of things. Utterly funny: 2 Days in Paris.
Films sell an illusion. They tell you a story, they take you to the worlds you have no access to, they show you apartments you cannot afford, women you can only desire from the distance, deceive you with the love story stronger than death, making you dissatisfied with the state of your marriage. In the darkness of the cinema, you don't see the hours of costume making, casting, rehearsals, the building of the set and hundreds of mistakes made by actors, stunts, and producers. You should have your eyes opened, at least from time to time. A film within a film, with one actor kidnapped for the higher purpose. Hail, Caesar!
Remember when finding a perfect guy was at the top of your agenda? It wasn't about the right guy, it was about the perfect qualities of physical appearance and personality that would make the man enough to have sex with, be in a relationship with or introduce to your friends. When technology boomed like crazy, giving us endless possibilities (or possibilities we couldn't yet predict), creating such a man might be a real prospect. Real or not real, it proved that the right man was just behind a corner. An entertaining adventure from the nineties: Virtual Sexuality.
When there was no internet and computers were too expensive to give them to a two-year-old to smash, children used to play outside. They had their toys, playgrounds, and fortresses. They also spent time playing board games. From Twister, through Monopoly, to Mouse Trap and Scrabble, there was one game which could turn one throw of a cube into the adventure of a lifetime. It could bring wild animals, send someone to a castaway seclusion and turn a calm American city into a jungle. Unforgettable Robin Williams and his Jumanji.
There are various types of families. From standard and traditional to dysfunctional whose members are barely capable of resisting an assault during family ceremonies. There was one favorite family of all kids of the 90s. Its members didn't value silly family pleasures but a cherished tradition of blood and passion. Its children entertained themselves with stories about mass murderers and played with weapon-like toys which could actually kill. Its grandmother required help from a mental institution and its pet was a hand which in many ways could come in handy. Some classics never get boring. The Adams Family.
You don't have to be born smart and healthy to meet someone famous and recognizable.You don't have to be born rich to become a millionaire. You don't have to be the best soldier to save people's lives and you don't necessarily need to be the most handsome and charismatic to win the prettiest of the girls. The clash of one slightly naive man against the unscrupulous fate.The history of the Land of Opportunities in the background of one man run towards freedom. Forrest Gump.
If you are keen on the aspects of period dramas which are about clothes, hairstyles, furniture, cutlery, crockery and minute details of people's everyday life, you will definitely appreciate this film. Making a journey in time does not always require a time machine. Sometimes a distant relative frozen in a block of ice and unearthed after decades is just enough to turn your world upside down, to make you wear dresses and gowns from the epoch and forget about technological advances which made your life so much easier over the years. A thoroughly enjoyable film in the classic repertoire of period comedies that never get boring. Enjoy.
Be careful what you wish for. There was once a mother who had a lot of sons and really wanted to have a daughter. There was once a woman who really wanted to become a queen but the odds seemed to be against her. There was once a girl who was able to devote her life and voice for the sake of her family. And there was once a story full of legends and magic that can still be made into an interesting and inspiring film not only for children. Fairy tales reach far beyond Hollywood. This time the Czech-Slovak Seven Ravens. Enjoy.
You're used to the fact that you have your bread provided by the baker, that you go for a cup of coffee to the nearest cafe, that if you don't want to cook, you can eat your lunch sitting in the restaurant's chair and have your flat cleaned by a familiar cleaning lady. You go to the hairdresser's for cutting your hair and to the shops to buy your clothes. You're lazy, let's be honest. You even press a button on your remote control to be entertained and pay a big part of your income for services which make you clean, healthy and groomed. When you think of it, you don't need any of the above to survive. You are able to find everything in nature, to hunt your own food and build a shelter. Maybe at times, you need the support of an imaginary friend to get by. Taking into account your lesson learned, is coming back again to the civilization really that easy? Cast Away.
You'd think that having a haunted house is a problem. But having a house haunted by people seems to be even a bigger disaster. As your death is quick and sudden, sometimes the state of your life doesn't really change that much after crossing the line. However, the new life can involve different rules, a lot of red tape and dozens of new friends in similar circumstances. Some doors get closed while a lot of others seem to be opened. Occasionally, being dead can bring far more problems than being alive, showing you that there are varied forms of fear. Beetlejuice.